Bitpay back online

Bitpay, our Bitcoin online payment system is now back online and working. The bitpay company just went through 5 days of straight DDoS attack's in the range of 65Gbps attack's. This was a horrendous attack and took down their network connection's completely. During this time all bitpay payment's were offline.Bitpay has since fixed this, knocked ... Les mer »

19de Sept 2012
.ORG Price Increase

As you may be aware, a few months ago PIR (the registry that handles .ORG) increased its pricing to the registrars as allowed by its contract with ICANN.We did not increase our pricing straight away as we wanted to see if we could fully absorb the increase, now a couple of months have passed and weighing up the figures we will need to increase the ... Les mer »

5de Sept 2012