Additional IP Address Allocation

As per most Dedicated web hosting companies that operate in the U.S. we must comply with regulation's in this country. On dedicated server's when you purchase you are assigned Free IPs based on the port speed you select when purchasing. These free IPs are assigned to your user only as available, they are NOT added all at once to your server, but they are available if you need them.

To have access to these additional IP addresses we require that you justify your usage of these new IPs. IP's are assigned based on ARIN Justification rules, we only assign up to a /29 at a time from an available pool of IPs.

To request that we assign additonal IPs to your Dedicated server, or purchase a new IP beyond your free limit, please submit a support ticket to our support department requesting additional IP addresses. In this request please include the number of IPs you are requesting and a detailed decription of usage justification for these extra IPs.

As per ARIN rule's without proper usage justification we cannot alot extra IPs to a server.

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