Bitpay, our Bitcoin online payment system is now back online and working. The bitpay company just went through 5 days of straight DDoS attack's in the range of 65Gbps attack's. This was a horrendous attack and took down their network connection's completely. During this time all bitpay payment's were offline.

Bitpay has since fixed this, knocked the hacker off and everything is back online once again.

A side note during this time we had to still accept bitcoin payment's, we activated and made our own module for automatic bitcoin payment and price conversion at current market exchange rate. This module is still in the list if anyone has any problem's with the payment module in the future. Our module is called BTCPayment. But you can try bitpay first, if it work's great, if not the other option is always there for bitcoin payment's.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

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