
Ən məşhur məqalələr

 Setup outlook express for pop email access

Outlook Express is a is a popular POP email software from Microsoft which is available on both...

 [CentOS] How to install Duplicity on your VPS/Dedicated Server

The problem is that you cannot install duplicity via the package manager (yum) on CentOS or the...

 What is a PayPal Billing Agreement?

A PayPal Billing Agreement (also called a "Reference Transaction" by PayPal) is a way of...

 Switch between PHP 5.4 and other versions

If you were previously a customer and had a site in 5.2 but after the upgrade found it no longer...

 [RSYNC] Setup Rsync to transfer files from one server to another

Since this tutorial will switch between the backup server and your webserver, we will use names....