RapidSSL Certificates

  • RapidSSL

    $31.95 USD uma vez
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    • RapidSSL is industry standard 128 / 256 bit SSL certificate. RapidSSL certificates have browser recognition of around 99% including IE 5.01+, Netscape 4.7+ and Mozilla 1+ browsers and many other browsers. At a very special low price, RapidSSL is an ideal solution for entry level websites.
      -Site seal included
      -$10,000 waranty
      -Single Domain Name
  • RapidSSL Wildcard

    $138.95 USD uma vez
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    • RapidSSL Wildcard Certificates allows you to secure unlimited number of sub domains on the same domain name with a single certificate. RapidSSL Wildcard is low cost and easy to manage.

      Secure an unlimited number of sub domains on the same domain name. With a Wildcard SSL certificate issued to *.yourdomain.com you could protect

      -Unlimited sub domains on a Same Domain Name
      -$5,000 warranty
      -FREE "Secured by RapidSSL" site seal
      -FREE self-service reissues during 7 days validity period
      -Strong 128 / 256 bit encryption, industry standard SSL

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